
From Create Your Own Story

You enter the Auto-Parts Shop.

It looks like the place isn't open for the day today. They probably took a week-long vacation like your school.
The inside of the shop is very dark and creepy, you think. There are no windows, which made it a lot harder to see.
A couple of spiderwebs have decorated the corners and ceilings of the place where there had a bit of light on them.
You pass by a number of mechanical cars and stumble on a few tools and other auto-parts on the floor. There is
also a black, rusty engine on the floor.

You feel something tickling you at the back. You reach out to grab it and see that it was a spider that had dropped
down from the ceiling.

You then hear a scream from nearby. Danielle!

"I got you now," you say as you finally see a part of her face. You reach out to tag her, but she begins to run.

Where is she headed?

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