Lower-class allies A-B

From Create Your Own Story


Ally Barrier

This ally can block an enemy from attacking you and other allies.

Ally Fence

This ally is used for fencing.

Ally Flower

This is a daisy that launches missles at enemies.

Ally Tree

This is a maple tree that launches sap at enemies to paralyze them.

Alter Ally

This ally switches to an enemy's side when it sees one.


This ally (pictured below) helps fight enemy dragons and beasts underwater, can cause 3-11 damage. Because it's a fish, you cannot bring it out of the water, or it can lose health on time.


Asian Elephant

This ally shoots lasers from it's enemies.

Backer Type A

This ally can back up its foes by gravitationally pushing them away. Same as type B, but points at only left and right and are slightly weaker.

Backer Type B

This ally can back up its foes by gravitationally pushing them away. Same as type A, but points at all directions and are stronger.

Big Boa Constrictor

This big snake can bite foes (such as turrets) to give them a "Poison" effect. Their bites cause 3 damage, but the poison causes 1 damage.


Buzzers are placed in certain locations to buzz and "zap" foes until its health bar goes all the way down.

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