Exit the dumpster

From Create Your Own Story

You jump back out of the dumpster, landing gracefully alongside it. You can feel the grime of the alley on your feet as you flip through the wallet you stole. There's several hundred dollars and a couple of credit cards in there, and you start thinking of other ways to cause mayhem. A slight breeze blows down the alley, ruffling your skirt and caressing your breasts...wait, what? As you look down, you realize that, in your haste to steal the man's money and leave, you forgot to grab your shirt. Your big breasts are standing free and proud, your nipples stiff points capping them. To make matters worse, you left your purse at the bar, and you can't exactly walk back in and claim it. Your car keys were in it.

That throws a wrench in the works. You're going to need some new clothes. The mall is a few miles up the street. You could either walk it or try and bum a ride from someone. There's also the dumpsters behind the bar you came from. Maybe you'll get lucky there. Or, you could try to get home, but that's a long ways off.

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