Adventures in Space/AiS Send search parties

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< Adventures in Space
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"Just keep him under guard for now. Our priority is to find the crew."

Half an hour later you receive a call from Hazael. He can't suppress a grin.
"Good news, commander. My search party almost immediately stumbled upon the rest of the group that attacked us. There are fifteen of them in total." His face turns down slightly. "Although they quickly gave up, Officer Maygr Bvon was killed. He was a most humble man, always ready to put himself in the firing line to save others."
"This is sad news indeed," you empathise, "but it is an unexpected pleasure that you overtook those scoundrels. Did you find the crew?"
"Yes, they were all concentrated at the bridge. The rogue group that we caught had been conducting a guerrilla war against them, almost all civilians you see, and they were living in a state of terror. We are taking them aboard the Mortis now. The Nebulous is out of fuel, they tell us, and if you could oblige with some reserve fuel from the Jarif we could simply direct her back to the Myleon."
"Agreed. Excellent work, Captain Sozin. Wait until we get back to base before holding the funeral for that man, Bvon I think you said, I'm sure his relatives will want to grieve."

Shortly you are heading back to the Myleon space station. What sort of reception awaits you?

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