In walks the Jewelry Store Owner

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:34, 23 January 2011 by Kamelsiggrett (Talk | contribs)
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"Oh my," the twenty-something woman says, as she enters and sees your predicament. "You're going all-out on this one?" she asks the guard. He nods, and smiles. "Yeah, you're the one, aren't you," she says to you. "You thought I didn't see you, over there stealing all my merchandise? I've got a little button under my counter, and when I hit it, these guys come running. You stole at least five hundred dollars already, and I'm here to identify anything else you might have. Also, this kind man lets me help if I want."

(In Progress)

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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