Adventures in Space/AiS Send in the Mortis

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"Captain Sozin, please move towards the Nebulous." The name is visible on the side of the ship you are viewing with Kij on a large display. You see a red splodge enter the screen - the Mortis. It sidles up to the much larger Nebulous and slows to a stop. Sozin comes on the screen.
"Commander, I don't think we can dock with the Nebulous. There is too much damage to her main port. May I investigate her cargo bays?"
"Go ahead, captain," you affirm.

"Commander, one of the cargo bay doors is not securely fastened shut. We have equipment on board that we could use to open it. Shall I give the order?"
"Absolutely." You bring up Captain Nern on the other screen. "Captain Nern, please position the Claud to provide an immediate analysis of what is in that cargo bay. If you see anything hostile, you have my permission to give the order to Captain Sozin to fire."
"Thank you, commander, I'm on my way."

Watching the visual feed from the Claud, you see two arms projecting from the Mortis. It looks rather like a red bug with antennae. The antennae reach into a crack between the Nebulous' cargo doors and begin to retract, pulling the door open. There doesn't seem to be much resistance. The Claud is shining a high intensity beam of light at it, and you get a first glimpse of what is inside. There is a black object - no, two - stationery down there. There are various large containers, some of them damaged. As the door is fully opened you see that the black objects are small fighter planes. There is no sign of life, though. The Mortis proceeds to open the other door. There is more freight and another black fighter on that side.

"Shall I send some of my men down there?" Hazael Sozin asks.
"Yes," you reply, " and tell them to focus on ...

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