WAS: Dispose of the body by heaving it off your balcony

From Create Your Own Story

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You gather your strength before lifting the dead body over your wounded arm. The pain of the dead weight burns but you ignore it since you need to clean yourself of the crime your murder. Walking by the stunned slave girls, you force yourself to the balcony where you push the body down the cliff.

Bram's lifeless body floats for a few seconds as if the fates curse you with the sight of your crime. The decapitated head follows as well as the bloody sword. It will take less then an hour for someone to find it, and even then they may just ignore it.

"Lyna fetch water and lye," you command, "Helena, I will need to be cleaned and quickly."

The women stall for a minute as if still shocked to the violence at their very footsteps. Before you have to remind them, they disappear. You brace yourself against the balcony. The wind blows through your hair and whips at your wound. What seems like...

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