Adventures in Space/AiS Wait for the approach

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< Adventures in Space
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Despite your feeling that it is the wrong thing, you respect Phogison and content yourself with waiting. During that time you attend a formal dinner, release a statement to the press, and frequently check whether there have been any further transmissions. Nothing is detected, except static, from the ship. It turns out to be a largish cargo vessel, by the name of the Nebulous.

There is a lot of media attention. A leading relious figure appears on the news one night and gives a prophecy that only trouble will come out of the Nebulous. It comes as something of a surprise, but the public mood seems fairly hostile to this ship because it is 'from one of the other colonies, and is probably just a bunch of refugees and/or salesmen'. They may also be influenced by the infamous pirate attack 23 years ago.

Finally the day to blast off arrives. Your ship, the Jarif, is joined by Captain Rohr's ship, Casket (with good medical facilities) and Captain Sozin's ship, Mortis (in case they are hostile). Rohr doesn't normally come under your command, but her ship's expertise is considered more useful than the Claud, whose primary function is scanning. At Mission Hour 7:26 the trio are within 5 miles of the Nebulous and tapering in to intercept. The agreed plan is for the Jarif and the Casket to dock together and then dock with the Nebulous. This is achieved and you prepare a team to explore. Yourself and Captain Rohr will leave Lieutenant Kij and Communications Officer Nern in command of your respective ships. You will bring Senior Science Officer Jude. Rohr will bring Senior Medical Officer Tamar along. Should you take anyone else?

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