You can take me to a hospital

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:34, 27 September 2010 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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"I fell off a motorcycle. I think I need to go to the hospital."

"Oh my god! Okay. Well, shouldn't we call an ambulance? Oh, but I don't have a phone with me."

"Mine's in my pocket. It's probably broken. I think I fell on it."

The redhead crouches down beside you, her boobs pressed softly out against her knees, expanding a little above the neckline of her dress, her ass hunkered down by her ankles. She's looking at your pants pockets. "Umm..."

"Jacket pocket."

"Oh, jacket pocket...! ...sometimes I'm so dumb..." She puts her hand into the pocket nearest and pulls out your phone, while prompting your cock to absorb a little more of your blood supply.

"Oww," you say.

"Sorry, sorry!" she says. The phone beeps as she presses some buttons. "It's working! Okay, hold on..."

You lean your head back and wonder if the universe is mocking you by having a woman twice as hot as the motorcyclist find you on the road. Then you look back at her because you can't help it. Big green eyes, hardly any makeup, tawny wavy orange-red hair, oh god no bra. There's naught but a thin veneer of... whatever her dress is made of... between you and those breasts. O, Universe! What the fuck?

"Hello? Yes, I need an ambulance. Um, I'm not at an address, I'm on a road. A little two-lane highway. Like, surrounded by corn fields? There's a man here lying on the road, he says he fell off a motorcycle. My name is... Lori... erm... McGillicuddy." She stands up and you almost faint from the completely unconsciously saucy poke of her hip to the side as she rests her weight on that leg, and the gentle jump of her tits under that red dress. Are those her nipples?

"Do you know what road this is?" she asks you. You shake your head. Which is actually somewhat encouraging, because it doesn't hurt. "We don't know. Maybe route DD?" You inadvertently look. She is looking down at you and sees you looking and you see her see you looking. You attempt a little sheepish smile... and the corner of her mouth curls in amusement. She turns away a little, presenting you with an indirect view of the completely illegal and outrageously unnavigable curve of her ass. Okay, that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea.

"She's getting a paramedic on the line," she says to you. "Hello? Hello. Yes, I'm with a man lying in the road who fell off a motorcycle." She says Yes several times while listening, then "Okay." She crouches down again. "The nice paramedic told me I should make sure you don't have any broken bones. If you don't have any we can see if maybe we can move you."

The redhead - Lori... McGillicuddy...? - pinching the phone between her shoulder and face, runs her hands along your right arm, squeezing. "Does this hurt?" You shake your head. Far from hurting, it feels wonderful. She leans over you and does the same with your other arm, her tits almost in biting range. "Okay?" You nod your head Yes through a haze caused by your cock further hijacking your blood flow as you imagine tearing her dress off with your teeth. "His arms seem okay," she says into the phone. She moves down between your legs, and squeezes up the length of them, a concerned expression on her pretty face as she watches you for reactions. You feel a little faint as she gets closer to your straining cock. You imagine you must have a vaguely dreamy and pained look. "His legs seem okay but he still seems to be in pain. Wait a minute."

She's looking at your crotch. "Did you fall on your dick?" she stage-whispers. It looks like you have two bulges down there.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

On The Road

MP 0
Level 1
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