WAS: Get out of bed and explore the inn

From Create Your Own Story

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You cover yourself in the warm blanket and decide to explore the inn. Leaving your room you find yourself in a corridor with a staircase at the end. You descend the staircase just enough to see the lower room. It’s a bar, filled with beer barrels and all that. You see your host attending bar, cleaning an ordinary glass. That which draws your immediate attention however is the five armed men sitting by the bar. They look, and act like bandits, insulting the innkeeper as the demand drinks and carving words into the wooden desks with their drawn knifes. One of the men stands a head taller than the rest, their assumed leader you think. He has a girl begging at his feet, dressed only in dirty rags. You sit down on one of the stair steps and watch.

“Well what do you say whore? Want to get up to my castle and be my bride?”

The smutty prostitute takes a hold of his clothes and shakes him while saying. “Yes! Yes!” With a voice that has finally found hope after a long time of hopelessness.

“Bah!” He screams and slaps her away, making her fall to the floor. “You think I would make a whore my woman? I’d give you to my dogs!” He tells her and promotes a laugh from his fellow armed soldiers. As she tries to stand he kicks her in the shoulder sending her tumbling back to the floor, and the soldiers laugh again. This man is an imposing figure and appears to have a quick temper with a fierce disposition. He’s shaven clean on the sides of his head but has grown his red curly hair long on the top of his head, a common bandit cut.

The cold still has such a grip over you that you are left to observe the situation without emotions. Although you store this violent man in your memory.

Having found his fun in humiliating the local prostitute the tall bandit sits down next to the innkeeper.

“Janus my friend.” He speaks the word friend like he would speak the word slave. “Give my men a barrel of ale to go, and make it the good one, not that pissed filled filth you give the villagers.”

“Right away sir!” Janus the innkeeper says and hands over the barrel quickly, probably hoping that if he does that then they might leave faster. The bandits grabs the barrel and leaves, but not before the tall man decides to take out his cock and piss in the glass Janus just cleaned.

Feeling weakened once again you head back up to your room and sleep the of the day.


The next day you find yourself sitting on the same stair step as the day before. You feel much better now, all the functions of the mind having been returned to you. You might even step outside today.

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