Go back to the third level.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:55, 28 July 2010 by The Hand (Talk | contribs)

You walk back up to the third level.

Same as before three chambers, and two staircases.

To your left is the Chamber of Beasts. The Cult has needs for various animals whether it be sacrifices or something more rare, so there's always a considerable menagerie of beasts on hand. In a suprising show of respect the Cult often frowns upon the casual abuse of animals, seeing them as higher in Satan's eyes than man. However many members utilize the animals sexually, horses, dogs, snakes, deemed perfectly fine by the Cult's standerds. You haven't pertaken yet but you've had your curiositys.

To your right is the Chamber of Control. Here the top chemists the world has to offer work on new chemicals to dominate, addict, and manipulate the minds of humanity. Drugs are one of the Cult's most important lines of control so the work done here is given paticular prestige; thier most recent masterpiece Vox has earned Vladimir's direct praise. However there is more to the drugs here than Vox, some that might be useful in your mission.

In front of you is the Chamber of Seed. Like the Chamber of Blood it's a room of pools, but these are filled with massive quantities of Sperm, collected from years and years of members. Mingling in the pools is the cum of every great Satanist that has ever visited these halls, and many more. The orgies that occasionally happen here are legendary but most days it's just a small group of cum hungry Satansist looking to relax...

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