Execute him with your revolver

From Create Your Own Story

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There's no point in lingering around. To finish the job quickly and effectively you have to put a bullet in the sniper. You approach the sniper, revolver in hand and an anxious burning sensation in your stomach. You point the revolver's barrel at the Sniper's temple and pull the trigger; successfully ending your adversary's life.

The sound of the shot, however, is enough to alert guards. You run back outi nto the barrack's main hallway to see that a RED Pyro has covered the large security door that was meant for your exit. He sees you and shouts an alarm but mysteriously, he falls to the ground with a knife in his back. Your new ally, the RED spy, has come through for you. He opens the door and leads you to an udnerground passage that connect the RED Fort with the BLU one.

It does not take long and you still can't believe that such a passage was used by either side for a point of invasion. You arrive in the grey and propoganda plastered walls of the BLU basement. It is now time to fulfil your end of the deal with the RED spy.

"So...where's YOUR sniper?"

Answer him truthfully

lie to him and set him up for an ambush

Attack him and go back on your word

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