WAS: Challenge the bandit leader to a duel

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Your voice rings out, stopping the circle of bandits several feet from you. "I challenge your leader to a duel!"

The bandits just laugh at you and one prepares to slash you with his sword. Your own blade comes up to block his as you force your mind to accept your fate; there's no use dying like a coward. Before the bandit's sword strikes yours, however, his leader commands him to stop.

"A duel, you say?" the bandit leader says, his voice oddly sophisticated and suave for a bandit. "If you win, you'll demand the princess, that much is obvious. But if I win?"

"If you win, I'll be dead."

The bandit chuckles. "Well said! Well said indeed. Very well, you shall have your duel! For the sake of fairness, I'll not use my mount." With a graceful movement, the bandit leader slides off of his horse. "Clear a circle out, you lousy whelps!" he growls at the other bandits.

They move with a practiced efficiency, something you never thought you'd see in a group of bandits. Either these aren't bandits or you're facing a talented taskmaster. Soon, a sizable circle with a radius of roughly twenty feet surrounds the two of you. The princess stares at you with a worried expression, her loveliness marred by the bandits preventing her from escaping.

The bandit leader shrugs his mighty shoulders in a pre-battle stretch. "Now then, let us duel!"

You begin circling to the left while the bandit leader strafes to your right; a comfortable ten feet lies between you and him. Minutes pass. Neither you nor he appear willing to strike first.

What do you do?

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