"We'll take the gunship."

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:02, 17 December 2009 by MightyPirate (Talk | contribs)
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"Torpedoes are a bigger threat to the Von Redding. We'll take the gunship," you say.

"Acknowledged, One. I'll strafe the fighers to keep them busy," Flak says.

You pull back on the stick, angling your ship upwards, and Slice follows suit on your wing. You watch on your scope as Flak, beneath you, fires a volley of laser from his heavy lasers at the pirate wing, then peels off away from the ship, luring them out of position. You and Slice begin to dive towards the gunship, now unprotected by the fighters.

"One, this is Hunter Two," comes Slice's voice. "You've got the first run. I'll pick it up if you miss."

"I won't miss," you reply with a chuckle. "But thanks, Two."

You center the gunship in your targeting sights, and squeeze the trigger. A rapid blast of laser fire bursts from your ship, flashing along the gunship's shields. After a moment, the shields fizzle out, and you can see small explosions racking the gunship's length.

A mounted gun on the gunship swivels in your direction and opens fire. You roll away, dodging the blast, but the turret swivels to follow you. You just need a little more fire to punch through the gunship's armor, but you'll take damage too.

Keep firing! Peel off and let Slice take the shot!

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