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From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:05, 28 October 2009 by Relafen66 (Talk | contribs)

The static was getting louder the reception getting weaker.

Tu per me sei tutto quanto (you are everything for me)

Tutto quanto io voglio avere (everything i want to have)

Senza fine (without end)

La, la, la, la (La,la,la,la)

Senza fine (without end)

(Continued from the song in other option)

...................................... the song had ended and the static grew louder the man in the front turning the knobs to find another station.

Adriane your sister was staring at her phone.

asking her "Who're you calling?" She looked towards you and said simply "Dad" before looking back towards her cellphone.

"There's no bars at all its been like this since we left the main road. I'm surprised were even getting reception for the radio." she said annoyed

It had been a weird day their dad was supposed to be there to pick them up from the academy. Instead they had been driven to go meet their parents quickly as the break started.

"Were here" a musky voice called from the front of the car. The older man had finally spoken up he was tall and imposing with shaggy black hair.

Outside the car you notice a large mansion, in the front yard black cars were lined up like a procession and people in formal clothes were standing outside and inside the house.

At least you were both still fortunate enough to still be wearing your academy clothes. Which could have passed of as semi-formal for the occasion and you exit the car still wondering.

Big Manor [1] [2] [3]

Do you:

Walk around the area

Go inside the large mansion

Get back in the car

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