Take the bag on the left

From Create Your Own Story

Authors note: Speach Thought Action/Narrative

You grab the left bag and head out...

As you walk along the hallway that leads to the exit you start to ponder...

Wait, what am I doing? Am I really going to kill my classmates? Should I try to find the gang? Are they even still alive? BAH! Too many questions. First thing is first, I need to check out what I'll be working with... that is once I've reached a safe enough spot

6 hours later....

You arrive on the island via helicopter. You're lowered into the forest area. Alone. You only hav enough time to get your shit together to see the Helicopter flying away.

Character: Zach Brach
Alive: 50 students
Hours Remaining: 72
Weapons Aquired: None
Friends: None
Kills: None... yet

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