
From Create Your Own Story

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It all happens in a short amount of time, of course, but you do not notice it. If Uncle Koushiro is here, he would theorize that time has came to a stop. However, feelings in you at this moment do not indicate it has. You are merely semi-conscious of the light. If anything has stopped or slowed down, your mind would be it.

The rays of light broaden in its radius till, just as they have embraced your body, one ray shrouds around Koromon's body as well, until...

*cue Brave Heart*[1]

"Koromon shinka..." exclaims the little ball of pink - again, while in a mysterious time-pause - "Agumon X!"

Betamon is pelt away - whether by the light or by the increase in Koromon (or Agumon)'s size, you do not know. What you could confirm is that this Agumon does not look like the one partnered with your father, in the sense that your father's Agumon do not have any patterns on its body to start with. Blue stripes, like those of Greymon, adorn its arms, legs and tail. Its claws seem to be much slender, too, thus making Agumon's claws seemingly much more lethal.

Or rather, making Agumon X's claws much more lethal? 'Why does it have an 'X' behind its name?' you ask yourself. 'And would that Betamon be a Betamon X... too?'

The 'Agumon X' heads off into battle, ready to launch its first attack without 'Betamon X' being prepared for it yet. It attacks with its

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