Go West (you think).

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:11, 16 September 2009 by Scuzzy21us (Talk | contribs)
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Status: Naked & Exploring

You go west (you think). The path curves through trees, the light growing dimmer as the branches grow thicker.

Slowly, the path is disappearing under dead leaves. Soon, you are just wandering through the trees, uncertain of being on any path. You decide to head back the way you came, when your last step sends you plummeting through the ground!

You scream as leaves go flying everywhere. A bell is ringing nearby. You feel ropes surround you. A thick rope goes between your legs, burying itself in your twat. The surprise in your sensitive clit stuns you, with a moan escaping your lips. The bell is still ringing. Every move you make intensifies the ropes rubbing.

You try to collect yourself, and take stock of the situation. You've fallen into some combination pitfall / net trap and now you are suspended in the air. Every move you make cause the bell, attached to the tree branch your are hung from, to ring out, as well as send powerful sensations through your sex. Trying to climb out of the net seems impossible.

The bell rings out your third orgasm, as you rest between escape attempts. You hear a crunching in the woods, and see a man approach you with a shotgun trained.

He chuckles. "Looks like the government is trying to catch me off guard by sending a naked spy on my property. I'm sorry, darling, I'm not taken in that easily." He looks you over.

Nearly in tears, you say you're not a spy.

He laughs. "Of course not! You just happened to lose you clothes in some kinda ridiculous way, so you decided to take a walk in the woods. A for effort, honey!"

He walks all the way around you, eying you from every angle. Finally, he puts his shotgun down. "Doesn't look your concealing any weapons, I'll give ya that." He begins to unfasten his pants. "No point not making the best of this situation ..."

His erecting penis approaches your mouth.


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