TPM: Annie! Yousa need to fuck him!

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Yousa shreik with joy and charge at their table, cock flopping comicly about. They both scream, Padme making a bolt for the door. Yousa lazily swing your arm at her face, backhanding her hard enough that she slams into a bulkhead, her head thunking sickly. Annie looks up with terror into yousa big grinning face as yousa hands grasp his little body. He squirms in your grasp and tries to cry out before yousa long fingers curl around his tight little mouth. As you jerk his pants off his kicking legs, yousa can't make up yousa mind what to fuck first!

TPM: Slip it in his mouth!
TPM: Pork his little pink asshole!
TPM: Make him jerk yousa off!

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Jar-Jar Binks
The Phantom Menace

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