TPM: Defy his wishes.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:18, 23 April 2009 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You glare at him and stand your ground. He frowns back and yells at two Pit Droids. Their metal hands grab you painfully by the arms and drag you over to your master and his humiliated slave. You try to give him your meanest look, but you're ten so you simply look petulant. "You listen to me when I call, boy, or else I'll have to get serious with you..." he growls. A nearby Pit Droid picks up a fusing rod and lights it, white flame issuing from its top with a hiss. "Just so we understand each other," Watto rasps, "I'm going to have you do a little something." The fusing rod is held next to your ear. The sharp smell of your hair burning mixes with the heavy stink of Watto and your mother's sweat. "Lick my juice off your mother's face..."

TPM: What? No way!
TPM: Why is your dick getting hard?

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