Victim: He continues to beat you.

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He clamps down on your shoulder, turning you over his legs straddling your waist. You see his mouth streatched into a malicious grin, a huge tight bulge forming in the black folds of his jeans. You weakly hold up your arms to protect your face so he socks you in the left tit. Your eyes well up as crisscrosses of pain riddle your body; your arms fall to the side. His fists begin raining down on you, thudding agonizingly side to side on your face. A slow rush of warm liquid starts oozing out of your nose and forehead, the back of your head oddly soft from being pounded repeativly into the hard packed dirt. You think you scream, but your jaw is limp and puffy, an iron-like taste running down your raw throat. After what feels like hours he, stands up, kicking you deep in the side for good measure and laughs slightly. He walks casually over to his backpack, opens it, and pulls out...

Victim: ...a knife.
Victim: ...a disposable camera.
Victim: eight inch dildo.
Victim: ...a red rubber ballgag.

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