Just relax and lean against the helicopter(Frost RE1)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:05, 1 September 2008 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You lean against the helicopter and yawn; it's not that late yet in the evening but there's something about the forest that just makes you relax. You look up at the sky which unfortunately is cloudy but it's still an nice sight.

¨Hey Joseph, are you gonna stand there the whole day daydreaming?¨ Your teammate Chris stands a bit away and looks at you.

¨Don't ya mean nightdreaming, Chris?¨ you respond.

¨Very funny, our friends are out there and you are taking a break! Don't you care about them at all?¨

¨Of course I do! I'm just saving my strength becuse I got the feeling that whatever they encountered here,¨ you motion towards the cartriges, ¨isn't exactly what we are used to dealing with. If it was just some strange cannibalistic cult the Bravo team would have dealt with them swiftly. No Chris, there is something about this that gives me the chills.¨

¨...I guess you're right but still, we got to keep on looking.¨ You nod and stand up but suddenly you hear a scraping sound from inside the helicopter.

¨Did you hear that?¨ you ask Chris.

¨Hear what?¨ he asks.

¨There was this sound like something was dragged across metal, like nails on the blackboard or something.¨ You raise your shotgun and carefully look into the helicopter. From the light from the flashlight mounted on your shotgun you see Kevin Dooley looking towards you.

¨Kevin! Chris, quick, radio the others Kevin is still al...¨ You halt yourself when you realise that something is wrong. Kevin's eyes are pale without color and he has severe bite mark wounds all over him plus his legs is chewed off.

¨Dear god...¨ you whisper and back off. ¨Chris... Radio the others and tell them to get to the chopper now,¨ you say and raise your shotgun and aim it at Kevin.

¨What the!? What are you doing!?¨ says Chris, who can't see into the helicopter wreck.

¨Just do it, Chris!¨ you respond and start to squeeze the trigger.

Chris pulls his gun and points it at you. ¨Joseph, lower the rifle now!¨

¨Fine, but first, Chris, take a look and see what you think.¨ You back away a little from the helicopter, allowing Chris to take a look. Chris takes a look and then backs away, pale in the face and horror in his eyes.

¨Dear god... He looks like a... a...¨

¨Zombie,¨ you finish for him. ¨Understand now why I want to kill him? He ain't human anymore. He is dead, or rather, undead.¨

¨Let me do it,¨ Chris says. He goes towards the helicopter and shoots Kevin in the head. Giving him the final rest he deserves.

A secound later, Wesker's voice rings out of the radio ¨What's going on, over?¨

¨Sir, you are not gonna beleive it, but we have discovered what the murderers are, over,¨ Chris says into the radio.

¨Really? Who are they then?¨

¨Not who, but what, sir. They are zombies, over.¨

There is an short pause and then Wesker's voice rings out again. ¨Are you trying to be funny, Chris?¨

¨I'm afraid not, sir. Kevin reanimated just before mine and Joseph's eyes. We had to put him down.¨

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