Let him do what he's doing and just enjoy

From Create Your Own Story

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Alex continued his endeavors with a passion that spoke volumes of his hidden fervor, a fervor that defied the lazy facade he often wore like a second skin. His tongue, a meticulous artisan, painted strokes of pleasure across your sensitized flesh, drawing out a symphony of sensations that crescendoed within you, making the stars behind your eyelids burst in silent fireworks.

"Doing okay?" His voice was a velvet rumble, the vibrations sending tremors through you. Your response was a breathless chuckle, a testament to your struggle against the rising tide within, as you fought the urge to give in to the primal instinct to buck into the warm cavern of his mouth. He seemed to relish this, the way you were barely hanging on by a thread, and with a deliberate slowness that was maddening, he unfurled his tongue, flattened it against you, and enveloped you entirely. The sensation was akin to being swallowed whole by the sea, waves of warmth lapping at every inch of you, each pull of his mouth coaxing you deeper into the depths of abandon.

Your hands found purchase in his messy unstyled hair, the contrasting orange hues a stark reminder of the fire that smoldered within him—fire no one else knew he possessed. It was his secret, a potent energy that he harbored just beneath the surface, which now seemed to infuse his every movement with an intensity that left you gasping.

"Alex..." The word fell from your lips like a prayer

He looked up at you then, his blue eyes alight with mischief and triumph, the corners crinkling with unspoken laughter. His gaze held yours, locking you in place even as his hand and mouth continued their coordinated assault, sending ripples of pleasure coursing through you. A playful peck was planted atop your head, drawing a surprised arc from your spine as if he'd struck a chord deep within. "You're being so good for me," Alex teased, his words dancing against your skin, "letting me use you to keep my mouth from getting bored."

"Generous to a fault," you managed to quip back, the sound more strained than you intended as your grip in his hair tightened involuntarily.

"Only the best for you," he murmured, his tone low and sultry, a promise wrapped within a jest.

He resumed his ministrations with renewed vigor, each movement calculated, each caress deliberate. You could all but feel the latent power of his magic, a current just beneath the service, fueling his actions, driving you both towards an inevitable conclusion that lingered just out of reach, teasing, taunting.

"Alex," you whispered once more, a plea without words, a supplication to the flame that threatened to consume you both.

You get to finish in Alex's mouth

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