Johnson gives you the show you were 'asking' for, M

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As Johnson's grip tightened on Alex's shoulder, his face contorted with pain. "Hey, this isn't -" he began to protest, but Johnson cut him off, his voice cold and venomous.

"Do you know what Alex does every week after class finishes?" The question hung in the air, heavy with implications. "Do you know how he's still a student here after all the trouble he manages to cause?"

You swallowed hard, feeling your throat constrict as fear clawed its way up from your chest. What was Johnson getting at? Glancing at Alex, you saw his jaw clench, his eyes narrowing with defiance. It was clear he didn't want you to know whatever secret Johnson held over him.

"Speak!" Johnson barked at Alex, his face inches from yours. "If you know what's good for you, Alex, you better get on your fucking knees."

Your heart raced as you watched Alex glare at Johnson, hatred burning in his gaze. But despite that fire, he obediently dropped to the floor, his hands shaking as they made fists in his lap. The sight of him so helpless and humiliated sent a wave of anger and despair crashing through you.

Why was this happening? What had you done to deserve being dragged into Alex's nightmare? As the questions swirled in your head, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more going on here, something beneath the surface that you couldn't quite grasp.

"Please," you whispered, desperation bleeding into your voice. "What do you want from us?"

A cruel smile spread across Johnson's lips as he looked down at Alex, then back at you. "I want you to understand the consequences of your actions. To see just how far you've pushed Alex, how much he's sacrificed to stay here." His eyes bored into yours, unyielding and unforgiving. "And maybe, just maybe, you'll learn that there are lines you should never cross."

As Johnson's words sank in, your stomach churned with a sickening mix of guilt and dread. Whatever was about to happen next, you knew it would haunt you forever. And all you could do was stand there, powerless, as your world crumbled around you.

Johnson laughed, a sinister sound that sent chills down your spine. He looked you dead in the eye, his gaze cold and unyielding. With a swift motion, he fished out his hardening shaft, slapping it against Alex's cheek. The sight was grotesque, a perversion of power and control.

"You stay there and watch," Johnson sneered. "Since you apparently want in on this whore's action." He grabbed a handful of Alex's hair, yanking his head back to expose his tear-streaked face. "He likes it when you pull his hair. Don't you, bitch?"

"Fuck you," Alex spat, voice strangled with humiliation and pain. You gave him an expressionless glance, not wanting to add to his misery, but couldn't help spotting the bulge in his own pants straining against the tent it had made of the fabric.

"Please don't do this."

"Quiet," Johnson snapped, turning his icy stare onto you. "You wanted to see what goes on behind closed doors, didn't you? Well, now you know. So just shut the fuck up and watch."

You will not be shutting the fuck up, scream a spell at Johnson to get him away from Alex

You stay quiet, watching Johnson take advantage of Alex

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