Defend yourself against Alex's accusation, M

From Create Your Own Story

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The words hang in the air, but it seems like even the river's burbling has ceased to exist in that moment. Alex is fuming, radiating an anger so palpable it almost blots out the fresh scent of the nearby cherry blossoms. The harsh streetlights from the campus cast a shadow on his face, making him look older, harder. He's always been good at masking his pain.

"Alex," you begin, your voice firm as it mixes with the hum of nearby crickets and the distant rush of traffic. "That's not fair."

His response is just a scoffing chuckle that grates against your nerves. His gaze remains fixed on the rippling river, his profile illuminated by the faint light from a nearby lamppost.

"And why not?" He demands, turning to look at you with a challenging glint in his eyes. "You think your high horse makes you any better?"

"I don't think I'm better than anyone" you manage to say past the lump of regret in your throat, words coming out sincere and pained. You can feel the weight of his stare like a physical blow but you refuse to cower away, holding steady under his scrutiny.

"But this...this isn't about who is better or worse." You continue slowly, choosing your words carefully. "This is because it's different when it's us. We're different and you even suggesting I'm anything like Johnson-"

"Ha!" He repeats the word with a scornful laugh that echoes hollowly in the cool night air. His mouth pulls into a bitter smirk as he turns his gaze back to the river. An icy shudder runs through you when he says, "You think I don't know why you're really here?"

Ask Alex what he means from his last question

Ignore Alex's bate, you focus on being different than Johnson

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