Magic And Mayhem- Head back to the house to check on Nathan F

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:53, 4 December 2023 by ErBonnie (Talk | contribs)

With a nod of self assurance, you decide that you'll have enough time to make it back home to sneak a peak at Nathan if he's still there or not before the next class starts up. It wasn't too far, and with a slight jog (some would consider a walk, but it was slightly faster than your average stroll, thank you very much) .

It was enough to work up a little appetite, and as the front door came into view it was with much love that you found the front door open. It creaked slightly on its old hinges, alerting Nathan to the home invader.

"Alex that you?"


You slipped into the room, shucking your bag off of your shoulder and tossing it into the nearest seat. It flomped with that bookish sound that comes from too many papers in one folder, a highlight to your playfully exaggerated 'ugh', popping open the nearest cupboard, and then fridge, looking for a snack and a drink to appease the energy needs.

"Oh - oh good morning again? I thought you had a full day of classes?"

"I did - I mean I do. We have a break period before the next set and I thought you'd like to see your favorite friend"

Finding nothing to drink, you sigh again. You move your bag so its resting against the island top instead of just the chair, making room for you to sit if you wanted. Leaning against the counter you spend a little more attention in looking at what Nathan has been making progress with. There's a cherry sweet scent in the air as he sprinkles something into the boil. His back is to you, but he looks over his shoulder slightly to take you in too.

"And Alex?"

You clear your throat. You didn't want to divulge what Alex had been doing, knowing Nathan wouldn't approve. He worried so much about his siblings, even small troubles tended to make the man stress his heart out, and with an assignment bubbling away in front of him ... well what Nathan didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

"Getting lunch with some friend"

Nathan turns back to his ingredients, humming an understanding. Alex was a popular man, he tended to have friends in every corner of the University. The pieces he's cut are frayed, and of no consistent size. The way he's chopping into them makes it seem like he doesn't even care at this point and just wants to get it over with, which isn't like the older triplet at all.

Nathan seems stressed, try and help him with the cutting

Nathan seems stressed, try and help distract him. Wink

Laugh at him for doing it wrong

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