Take your dog to a dog park by a lake?

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Clothed & Overheated

You decide to take your dog to a local dog park by a lake. Surely, that would be cooler than this room, right? Moving to your room, you hurredly get dressed, choosing some short shorts and a crop top. Unfortunately, they would be soaked in sweat in just a few minutes, the crop top clinging tightly to your form. Whatever, you think.

You then try to find your dog; however, he seems to have disappeared. Thinking of a solution, your simply shout, "I think I'll go to the park!" Suddenly, your bed begins to shake, startling you. Your massive dog was crawling out from under it, having somehow fit his large body under it. He sprints towards you, knocking you on your ass. "Oh silly! Be more careful," You tell him. "Anyway let's go."

You slip your dog's collar around his neck, and load him up into your car. He is clearly excited to go.

After roughly 10 minutes of driving, you arrive at the dog park, Surprisingly,

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