Give in to curiosity and lick the liquid

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:39, 22 February 2023 by User123 (Talk | contribs)

Clementine puts out her tongue out of her mounth and lick the liquid. The boy begins to moan harder and louder. He start pleading to clementine not to stop licking it. Clementine asks why. The boy anwserws that it feels very good, so she contiues to lick his penis with her tongue.

The boy moans really loud and asks clementine to lick harder. Instead of licking, Clementine decides to take his dick into her mounth and begin to suck it. She notices that her cute little pussy is starting to be wet and feels the need to touch her pussy. So she beging touching her pussy for first in her life and she likes it very much, she stops to suck the boy penis and begins to rub her own pussy and moan, the boy gets even harder seeing it.

The boy ask Clem: "Um whats your name ?" and she replies, with his cock in her mouth: "M-m-ahhhh-m-y n-n-ohh-name i-s-s C-Cle-mentine. Wh-h-o my good i-ts feels so good-whats-ahhhh-is-y-our n-name ?"

"My name is Adam." he answers.

"N-nice to meet you" Clem says.

Adam asks: "Clementine please contiue playing with your nice pussy. Oh and i noticed that you like it. Clementine: Y-yesss its so goood, it feels so good ahhhhhh ! Adam: Do you doing it for first time ? Clementine: Ye-es i- dont know why but it feels very good. Adam: Oh girl i can make you feel even better, i got some skills with this already. Clementine: oh yeah ? Adam: Yeah i can lick your cute pussy with my tongue. The boy comes closer to clem and begins to lick her wet pussy. Clementine: O-h A-d-am it feels so good !!!

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