Admit to getting a bit curious

From Create Your Own Story

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*Sigh* this is bad idea.

"Ok fine" Jamie eyes and ears perk up "You want to hear it so badly fine, I got a little curious after what happened the other day"

Jamie's dumbass grin practically slaps back onto his face.

"BUT all I've done is the... you know..." you flick your eyes down towards your pants in a catch my drift motion.

"I haven't done anything other than that" He doesn't need to know about the rest of the cross dressing or about how a dude hit on you and got his number.

"Hmm and" he leans in close again "how did it make you feel~" he practically whispers in your ear before Tony pulls him back again with a tired sigh.

You feel a bit hot under the collar and start fidgeting with your fingers "Umm they were pretty comfortable, nice and soft" you feel your face heating up.

"And girly right?" he says with a grin, you turn your face to the floor trying to hide your increasingly red face shifting in your seat a little, "Bet your still wearing them right?"

"Like I said they're pretty comfy" you whisper at the floor.

Tony steps in once again "Come on Jamie we need to get to work"

Jamie frowns but relents "Ok fine but just so you know I'm gonna put way more effort into getting to see those panties again" He then whispers "And into them~" Your sure your face is practically glowing red now as he leaves.

You turn to your desk and let out all the air you didn't know you were holding in... great you knew it was gonna be bad just... ugh... Just focus on work.

Later on in the cafeteria----

Having gotten your lunch you sit down at the corner table in the cafeteria and start digging in, a few minutes later you see Jamie and Tony strolling up to the table... Ugh...

"So how's our little foxy femboy doing?~" Jamie starts as he takes a seat.

You respond by introducing your forehead to the table with moderately loud BANG, "Just peachy..." you say through your gritting teeth.

"Your certainly not wasting any time." Jamie says with a chuckle "Least let the poor guy eat his food before jumping him so soon"

"Ugh, Tony just kill me" Tony lets out a loud laugh.

Jamie gives a chuckle too before opening his mouth again "You know most sissy foxboys I see look really good in thigh highs and crop tops" Pfft does he have hidden cameras in your house?... god you hope not.

You lift your head up "You know I'm still attracted to women right?" you ask cocking your head at him.

"and you know there's these people called bisexuals right?" he says cocking and eyebrow at you with his signature grin "and a certain kiss a few days ago certainly felt a bit bi-curious and as I recall it was certainly a strong one"

...maybe you went a bit to far with full on french kissing him, regardless you shrugs off his comment and roll your eyes... Does make you wonder though...

"Hey you know that card I gave you, Foxy Femme?" You hesitantly nod "That would be perfect for you! They could start you off slow and shape you into the perfect sissy~" You swallow a bit of food harder then usual.

"That might still be pushing it J" Tony says as he eats his food.

"Hey gotta start somewhere and they offer a wide range of Services" Now you've gotta question.

"And how would you know?" You ask pointing your fork at him.

"I've known a few of their customers"

Tony rolls his eyes "Of course you do"

"And all of them were happy with how they turned out" He drops to a whisper "I know I certainly was..." he says with a chuckle

"Thought you said you haven't been with any fox boys?" Tony questions raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah it's a bit ironic but there just isn't that many fox boys around here" He says with a sigh.

"And that's why your always gunning for me huh?" You ask.

"Well after meeting you in that bar, finding out we work together, and recent events... Well I'm liking my chances more and more every day."

"Not happening" you tell him blankly

"Hey your the one that said you got bi-curious" he says flicking his eyebrows up and down at you.

"Not what I said"

"Uh-huh well see what happens either everything goes back to the same old boring normal or you can just accept it and just let me go to town on that fine ass of yours" the image of you dressed up in girly clothing getting your ass railed by Jamie or anyone really flashes through your mind and you start feeling a certain itch in your rear again like from when you first tried on the panties.

...DAMMIT BONER GO AWAY... and now your face is heating up again, ugh you'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought about yet.

End of work day----

Getting ready to leave you notice the itch still present in your backside, your gonna need to take care of this somehow.

Go home and try to figure it out from there

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Lacy black panties, Dress shirt, Tie, Work pants

Gender Male
Species Fox
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