Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/Get on top of Valerie

From Create Your Own Story

You wait until Valerie begins to lower herself onto your cock, her hot, wet lips touching your tip and starting to wrap around it, before you reach up and grab her by the hips. "You want me to fuck you like a rabbit?" Before she can respond, you quickly flip her onto her back, her body bouncing on the mattress. You get up on your knees and move to straddle her, your large, draconic hard-on pointed straight at her.

Valerie is temporarily caught off-guard, but grins up at you when she sees you get into position. "Ohhh, gonna be on top this time, eh?" She slowly wiggles her body under you, sliding down further under you and bringing her nether lips closer to your tip. "I always like a man who can take charge," she says with a sultry expression.

You simply nod and press down on your erection with a couple fingers, aiming it at her swollen pussy, and push forward just enough to touch your tapered tip to them. She gasps at the touch, then moans softly when you start to slide it up and down along her slit, gathering her arousal on your tip and spreading your own precum over them. You repeat this action over and over, pulling back whenever she tries to take you inside, wanting to make sure she's good and ready for you when you finally decide to commit the act. After a minute or two of this, Valerie whimpers, "Ohhh, don't tease me like that. I need you inside me..."

You torture her with your tip a little longer, then you line yourself up and say, "Okay then, here we go." With that, you push yourself inside, feeling those hot lips wrap quickly around you and her rippling walls drawing you in. You push in firmly, spearing your shaft into her tight tunnel, making her gasp and moan and writhe under you.

"Ohhh yess," she hisses, arching her back as you enter her steadily. "You're stretching me so nice, Ron."

You just continue, overcoming all of her resistance in one long, steady thrust, until your hips meet hers and your tip nestles up against her dead end. You hold there for a long moment, feeling the midsection of your dragon dick growing a little thicker inside her. The cat mewls in pleasure, her heated tunnel squeezing and rippling around you. Finally, you pull more than halfway back out, then shove in again, getting into a steady thrusting rhythm that makes her body slide and bounce on the sheets. "Yes, Ron, fuck me! Fuck me hard!"

Feeding off her encouragement, you pick up the pace. Your thrusts become faster and harder, slamming your dick inside her now, each time feeling your climax slowly building. You grunt with the effort, breathing in time with Valerie, listening to her continue to gasp and moan and grunt each time you impale her. You feel her starting to tense up around you, her own climax building, and you try to match her pace, wanting to cum together.

Your cock starts to swell ominously inside her, your thick knot growing at your base. You push deliberately to pop it in and out of her with each thrust, each one taking more effort than the last as you stretch her entrance wider. Eventually, you push as deep as you can, feeling her hot pussy lips closing around your knot and pulling you deep inside, suckling at your sensitive base to hold you tight. She's on the brink of her climax, and as you grow thicker still inside her, she moans, "Oh, you're so big! And so deep!" (work in progress)

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit

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