Game Over fantasy/The Minotaur's Gauntlet : In an alley behind the inn where you strip naked

From Create Your Own Story

< Game Over fantasy
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You follow the veterans to a backdoor that leads behind the inn. In a small darkened alley, the have you follow them further to a somewhat secluded spot.

"Allright then. I think we already told you what the loser's fee should be. Why don't you get comforteable." one of them smiles at you. You coil your finger around a bit of your hair shyly with flustered cheek. The other smile at your embarassed expression and chuckle.

You take a deep breath and starts undoing your belt and pouches. The men smiles as you comply without further cue. As you hand them your bow and dagger and satchel. You finally remove your leather padded armor.

The two warrior smile to each other as the last piece of gear is set on a nearby crate. Now all that's left is the clothes... With a blush, you close your eyes, trying to forget about the two pair of eyes lustfully gazing at you while you remove your elven tunic, lifting it above your head. You revealin your body from the waist up as you don't wear a bra. You can see the veterans's groin poking against their pants as their gaze sees the soft curve of your breasts under the moonlight. Your nipple begins to poke from the cold air but you feel a rush of heat from your loin. These men desires you so lustfully and it starts to make you feel horny yourself.

You proceed to take off your shorts in the same swift movement, revealing your lovely cute ass and the elven strings, the last remaining barrier between total nudity and two horny male. Abandonning all pre-tense of chastity, the men whips out their cock from their pants and start to bat their meat slowly at the sight of your lovely body and you continue your little show. Bending down hotly, you remove the last article of clothings that would've protected you from the beasts in heat. Your eyes falls upon their full erection and you can't help but feel your elven flower moistens at the thoughts of these large human penis being thrusts in you. They are so much larger then any of your past elven boyfriends.

The men smiles "Hehe.. good thing the night is warm. Still... let's heat you up darling." the men says as they aproach you.

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