Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/The meeting (2)

From Create Your Own Story

Barbara claps her hands to get everyone's attention again. "Okay, now that introductions are over, I want to go over our ground rules. This is mainly for Ron's and Jill's benefit, since they are our two newest people here, but I want to make sure everyone gets a regular refresher. I'll try to keep this brief."

"First off, let's go over what this studio does. We are a small studio for erotic films. We have a pretty small cast right now, but we cover a pretty wide range of things. For the most part, the sky's the limit, but we have some things we DON'T do on camera." She pauses for a second to make sure everyone is listening. You certainly are. Barbara continues, "First off, we never do anything related to rape, whether it's explicit or implied. All of our scenes are consensual. Without exception." She pauses again, letting that sink in. "We also do not do watersports, scat, or blood. You wanna make a mess of yourself? That's fine, but do it at home." Another pause. "And I have a strict policy that no family members ever appear in the same shoot. We do occasionally do incest scenes, but those are just acted. Real incest isn't allowed here." She glances to your mom. "So I'm afraid you won't be able to screw your kid on set, Jenny." The room laughs, and Jenny snaps her fingers in mock disappointment. You notice Lily and Jim leaving quietly at this point. Barbara pays no mind.

"I'm not real big on policies, but I have to have some, so here they are. First off, you need to be here on time and ready for your shoots. That goes for cast AND crew." Rebecca glances to Bill again, who shrugs back. "If you can't make it for some reason, I just need you to call ASAP so we can reschedule the shoot and make up the room for another one." She pauses for a second, then adds, "It's rude to keep a girl waiting, after all." Valerie chuckles at this.

"I also have an extremely strict, zero-tolerance consent policy. We're all into porn here, obviously, and we're all free to wander around topless, grab each other for a quick roll in the hay, what have you. But No Means No at all times. If someone doesn't want to do something, or they change their mind, you stop immediately. I don't care if you're about to cum. You pull out, you stop, you back away. End of story." You see Tsu-Ni give Reggie a quick glance before returning her attention to the snow leopard. "If I see or hear about any one of you doing something with any other one of you that they don't want, on OR off camera, here or elsewhere, you are OUT." You nod, understanding the seriousness of what she's saying.

Barbara continues, "One more thing. I also won't tolerate any form of sexual harassment. That includes bribery, blackmail, retaliation, changing schedules, and many other things. And I want to make something really clear: This includes myself." She again pauses. "You all know that I still appear in some of our films, and that means I get to act and play with you every so often. You'll only be involved with me IF you're comfortable with it, and I will never, EVER give you more or less money based on that." Another quick pause. "In your employee contract, I made sure to include a paragraph that calls me out specifically. There's a phone number there for you to call if I ever violate that rule. So you see me trying to force someone to do something? Do your job and call that number." One more quick pause, then she adds with a softer tone, "I mean it. Sincerely."

You nod again. She already gave this shpiel to you earlier too, but it means a lot more to hear her say it in front of everyone. It takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there like that.

"And finally, just one more little thing. Don't be a dick. We have our bad days, we get upset about things. It happens. I'm not going to slap you on the wrist if you swear about something. But I will if you become verbally abusive to your fellow cast and crew."

Valerie perks up and says, in the happiest, cutest voice she can muster, "No fucking problem!" Everyone bursts out laughing, even Barbara.

Barbara smiles and says, "Okay, that's all I've got. Welcome again, Ron, to the Mariposa family. Anyone have any questions?" She looks to you, wondering if you have any questions about all this. You shake your head.

With perfect timing, Lily and Jim return to the room with two stacks of pizzas. The aroma is fantastic and complex with all of the different toppings. Barbara claps her hands again and says, "Then let's eat!"

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit

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