Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/The meeting

From Create Your Own Story

Barbara stands in front of the room. "So, welcome everyone. I wanted us all to get together because we have a new actor joining us today. I know a few of you have met him already, but we'll do this the old-fashioned way anyway. Please give a warm welcome to Ron!" She gestures for you to stand up. You stand up and give a small wave to everyone, and Barbara says, "Why don't you say a little about yourself, Ron, and then we'll go around and have everyone introduce themselves."

You turn to face the most people you can. Nervously, you say, "Hi, I'm Ron. I'm a hybrid dragon and rabbit. Jenny is my mom, and my dad was a dragon. I'm, uh, new to this acting thing, so, uh, go easy on me?" You get a chuckle from the audience, and you sit down again, with most everyone else in the room clapping for you. You notice that Lily is now leaning against the door frame as well.

Barbara smiles and says, "It's great to have you here. And thank you to Jenny for introducing you to us!" She nods to Jenny, and the group claps again. Then, "Alrighty, let's go around the room, shall we? Let's start over here." She points to the crew table.

Cheval stands up and says, "Hi Ron. I'm Cheval. We met when you came in. I'm one of the techs here, usually working on controls." He sits down.

Jim gets up next. "Hi, I'm Jim. We talked earlier. I'm the guy everyone goes to when they need somethin' fixed, cut, edited, filmed, you name it."

Rob's turn. "I'm Robert, and I'm another one of the technicians, and I help coordinate schedules and prep work."

Bill stays seated. "And I'm Bill. Nice to meet ya. I mostly do the cameras, but I help with editing, and Barb occasionally makes me write scripts too." Barbara snorts.

Seems the crew's all done, so the baton passes to Jill. "Hi Ron! I'm Jill, but you knew that because we met like right after you came in!" She winks at you and adds, "You're cute." You blush a bit as several people chuckle.

Rebecca is next. "And I'm Rebecca, or Becky if you like. Jill and I work together a lot. And I agree, you're cute as heck." More laughter, more embarrassment for you.

Jenny takes her turn. "Well, I suppose you and I have met once before." The room laughs a lot louder, and you join in. Good ol' Mom with her fun sense of humor. "I still do a fair bit of acting, and I help Barb with a lot of things. Sorta an assistant manager." She looks around the room. "So you all had better hope I don't have to get out the flogger!" Another laugh, with a couple of the crew members mock-cowering.

Play passes to the squirrel in the door. "Hi Ron! I'm Lily. I was the first person you saw today. Well, other than your mom, obviously. Anyway, welcome aboard! I'm the admin and receptionist, not like we get a lot of visitors, but I keep things running out there, so I'm..." She seems to realize she's chattering away and stops, prompting a couple of chuckles. "Welcome to Mariposa!" She gestures to the next fur.

That happens to be the skunk, who finally noticed you when Barbara had you stand up. She turns around to face you, giving you a deadpan, almost couldn't-care-less expression. In a low voice, she says, "Hi. I'm Candy." A couple of people in the room whistle a cat-call her way, and she glances to them before smiling to you. "Welcome aboard. Gotta say, you're quite the catch." Another couple of whistles, then she continues. "I just came from a shoot, which is why I'm still in costume. Don't worry, I'm a normal skunkette under all this. See you after the meeting." She sits down.

The lion next to her stands up and faces you as well. His boxers look a bit tented, but he doesn't seem to care. "Hi, kid. I'm Reginald, but I go by Reggie or Reg too. I work with Candy mostly, but I do a little of everything. Maybe I can show you the ropes sometime." He flexes just a little and then sits down. Candy leans in and whispers something to him, and he then adjusts his boxers.

Now it comes to the women sharing your table. Valerie goes first, standing up right in front of you. "Hi Ronnie. You already met me, but my name is Valerie. You can call me Val. And you can call me anytime." She leans down and gives you a quick peck on the forehead, prompting a few more cat calls before she sits back down.

The dragoness next to you takes her turn. She seems to tower over you at first, but steps back so you don't have to crane your neck so much. "Hello, Ron. I am Tsu-Ni, and as I said before, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I am an actress, but I also operate cameras when needed, and I perform some of the music for this studio's videos." Oh, she might have been the one playing the flute in that quiet room earlier! "Welcome. I hope to talk with you later." She smiles and bows for you, then sits down again, her silky robe flowing just the right way as she does so. Man, she is just so awesome to look at.

That just leaves the rabbit on your other side. She stands up and says, "Ron, hi. I'm Florence, but most people call me Flo for short. I also act and run the cameras, not at the same time obviously. It's good to meet you."

The snow leopard finishes the introductions. "And of course, I'm Barbara. Lots of folks here call me 'Mom', but I suspect you'd be more comfortable using that on Jenny instead. No worries about that." Cheval and Rob simultaneously say "Yes, Mom!", which makes everyone else laugh. Barbara continues: "I'm the manager here, but I like to think I'm not a boss, really. But you can come to me any time you need me or you have questions."

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit

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