The Elder Scrolls: Retold- Stag

From Create Your Own Story

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You were born under the sign of the Stag, the sign of…what is politely called gentleness and emotion… You feel yourself getting smaller and somehow weaker just by thinking about your sign. You also feel yourself getting ‘smaller’ and more insecure, terrified of the situation you found yourself in.

You think back to earlier that day, when you had been lured outside of town by your crush, Annekke. After pretending she was ‘interested’ in something more than just a riverside picnic, she got you naked and didn’t even laugh like you’d expected. Unfortunately for you, she then decided to call out to the Imperial legionnaires nearby, claiming that you were another of the rebels they had just captured!

After being mistaken for a rebel, you were grabbed without a chance to even get dressed, forced naked with the captives. It was only after the Guard Captain noticed that some of the female recruits were being a little too cruel with their abuse, that you were given a roughspun tunic to cover yourself with.

“Hey, you” a voice calls you out of your thoughts, “You’re finally awake!”

The Stormcloak in front of you had clearly woken up and was looking at you.

“You were caught in that ambush, same as us, and that horse thief over there…”

He nods to the shorter man beside him, who seems to be in his own thoughts, eyes nervously darting back and forth. Suddenly the man looks up at the Stormcloak, “Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy.” He spits at the ground by the rebel’s feet. “If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and be halfway to Hammerfell!”

The horse thief turns and looks at you, “You there. You and me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants." The rebel rolls his eyes at this and turns away from the thief, as one of the drivers of the prison carriage turns in his seat.

“Shut up back there!”

The carriage continues for several hours, by which time the rebel had introduced himself as ‘Ralof’, from some village on the border of Falkreath and Whiterun Hold, ‘Riverwood’ or something like that. Eventually, the horse thief stopped panicking for enough time to introduce himself as ‘Lokir’ of Rorikstead, also in Whiterun Hold.

He started to mention something about his family, when you notice two towers in the distance, emerging from the forest. After a few more minutes, the carriage turned a corner in the road, revealing the gate of a town, surrounded by 12 foot high walls, and Imperial banners hanging from them. As the carriages slowed, Ralof looked up at the gatehouse.

“This is Helgen!”

Ralof notices something in the distance and nods towards it, a man on horseback, joined by two other figures clad in ornate black robes.

“Look at him, General Tullius the Military Governor. And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves. I bet they had something to do with this."

As the carriages continued, the trio followed behind, as the morning sunlight reflected off the General’s gilded armor. Meanwhile, the townsfolk ventured out into the streets to watch the spectacle, one child pointing directly at you, whispering to his father. As you pass by a building with red latterns hanging from the porch, two women lean out of a balcony and look at the convoy. You look up and the women are staring at you, whispering to each other. They both giggle as one of them flips you off... . The carriages eventually stop again, outside a stone keep, with a priest and a headsman stood outside.

Stepping before the carriage, an Imperial soldier grabs ‘Lokir’ and pulls him from his seat, calling for the rest of the prisoners to get out.

“Why are we stopping?!” “Why do you think?” Ralof replied, “End of the line. Let's go. Shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us…"

What happens?

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