Downfall/Go to the fancy dress 03

From Create Your Own Story

< Downfall
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An hour after the official start of the event, Debra and you are finally ready. With the double crown, the beard and some thick make-up, your daughter doesn't look much like herself. Debra checks her mobile. "Everyone but us is already there. I'll message them that we're on our way. I'll have to win the identity game," she says to herself when she is done.

"Don't you mean 'we'?" you ask her.

"Nu-uh. It'll be great to bend Will to my bidding, and if I manage to get a free out of jail-card from you, all the better."

"And if I bend you to my will?"

"Surely you'll be lenient with your favorite daughter-"

"If you say so," you answer, and something in your voice makes Debra look at you with surprise.

"Let's go," you tell her.

The party location is easy to find. All you have to do is to follow the steady stream of people in costumes. The event area is divided in several sections, including a bar, a public seating area, a dance floor, a stage island in the middle where a live band is playing, and some alcoves that give a little more privacy.

"Later, mum," your daughter says. "Time to find my slaves. She waves at you and dives into the crowd. What about you? Party time?

State of Clothing Egyptian Costume; Anck-Su-Namun Bodypaint


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