Flee out the nearest window

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:57, 7 August 2020 by AgentVincent (Talk | contribs)

You sneak quietly through the apartment to the window. The police keep pounding at the door. You slide the window open and step out onto the fire escape.

"Hello, mister."

You look to the side. There's a girl with blonde pigtails sitting on the metal steps leading up to the next floor.

"Someone after you, mister?" the girl asks. "There's always someone chasing people out of the drug lady's apartment. I'll give you someplace to hide if you lemme have some of that candy you got rattling in your pockets."

You pause. The pigtails make her look awfully young and her asking you for candy doesn't help. "How old are you?" you respond.

"19, mister," the girl says. "Are you coming or not?"

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The Fire Escape Outside Nina's Apartment

MP 0
Level 1
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