HH: A wizard

From Create Your Own Story

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Earlier today you had been excited about getting to go to the party but didn't have a real costume to wear. You had looked around your room you when inspiration struck. You cut out some stars and moons from some white and yellow paper and stapled them to your dark blue bathrobe. It looked shitty but it a funny 'shitty-on-purpose' kind of way.

You stripped out of your normal clothes, threw on a pair of running shorts and put the robe over yourself. You put on your dark blue canvas Vans (because they matched) and called it a day. You looked in the mirror at your red hair, freckly pale skin, and slender build and sighed. You weren't the hottest guy in the world but this was good enough.

You dashed back downstairs and you and Johnny headed out for the party. It was only 8:30PM when you arrived but the party was in full swing when you entered. Teens were drinking and talking loudly over some music that was too bassy to comprehend. Johnny was immediately surrounded by old friends who yelled out "Horsedick Hutchinson in the HOUSE!!!" You had heard of your brother's nickname and seen him coming out of the shower enough to know the nickname was at least somewhat accurate. It bothered you that whatever blessing Johnny had gotten had skipped you. You weren't a small fry but no one was gonna call you a horse.

You looked around the party and saw a few people that you knew. Your costume was not the best by far but it also wasn't the worst. A group of guys were dressed up like characters from the Mario video games. Another group was dressed up like the Avengers. And here and there you saw some more basic costumes like the guy that was dressed as the Brawny paper towel guy, a Jolly Green Giant, a few slutty nurses, and a few girls dressed as princesses.

You got yourself a drink and chatted with a few people before you saw your friend Peter. He was on the track team with you and dressed like caveman. You thought he was pretty brave to show all that skin as he was only wearing a cheap loincloth but he body looked pretty good and the Bride of Frankenstein he was talking to seemed to think so too. Peter smiled when he saw you and you were both chatting when you saw a woman with the most intricate costume yet. She was wearing a ragged black dress with a bunch town shawls all about her. Her skin was gray and gaunt and her eyes were sunken and dark.

She walked about the room not saying anything to anyone but people starred at her openly, a couple laughed. Peter said "Sick costume, bro." but she ignored him. You looked at her and said "Wow, you look amazing. I guess we both wanted to be magical tonight but I'm just a loser compared to you." You gave her a soft smile which she did not return but she did stop to look at you.

"There are those that would say it is offensive to dress up as a magical practitioner, especially on this holy night of all nights." Peter and you were stunned for a second, then Peter began to laugh out loud, so did a couple people around you.

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