Stick your cock in with Coach to double penetrate him

From Create Your Own Story

You step up to the center of the stage where Kyle and Marcus stood. He looks over to you with visible fear in his eyes. You are another man with a massive cock. His head shakes side to side, begging you to spare him. But you aren't in the position not to anymore. You try to be as gentle as possible as you squeeze in with Marcus, but it's too much for the freshman. His screams only amplified by the microphone, making it impossible for anyone to ignore.

He bounces in between your powerful frame as his back knocked up against the Coach's hairy pecs. You feel his cock slap your stomach, poking and rubbing against you. Inside his tiny hole, your rods pump in and out alternatively like a well oiled machine. You look towards Kyle and meet his beautiful blue eyes pleading for mercy.

Marcus starts to shift and slows down his piston fucking, if only to do a full and slow thrust. With a loud plop, he slides out, and back in. You feel so much precum dribbling down your stomach and legs.

Philips stands to the right of you masturbating to the whole thing with a vile grin that makes you shiver. "I think the little faggot wants to show off to the crowd. Let's get some our of our proud faculty up here to watch. Mr. Lorenzo?" he turns to the man in question, who was making out with Mr. Harper.

"What may I help with sir?"

"Bring up some of the students from the film and photography clubs, we should make sure this is well documented for our pornography festival down the line".

He steps down from the stage to gather up the students while the other staff members surround the three of you. Each of their cocks continue to drool onto the stage leaving a wet mess and the smell of spunk. One teacher grabs another teacher's cock before they all jerked each other to the show or simply french kissed.

Not long after walking down, a few students walked up bare in all but a strap to hold their cameras. They entered the circle to get more photos and angles. Coach Marcus even paused his fucking to give them better shots. You wonder if they feel any guilt about this, but all you see on their faces is complete arousal. Coach takes his dick out to shake for the student with the camera before another balls deep thrust inside.

Everyone down in the auditorium got into a rut and jeered. A cacophony of moaning teenage boys and adult men. You turn around and see your boyfriend Marko in the front of the stage. You hope he might share your sympathy, but he's just as lost in the lust as everyone else.

"Ngh! Yeah! Take my load you whore! This is what you get when you act like a little bitch in class!". He pinned down Kyle and rammed into him, pounding violently before wrapping his powerful arms to Kyle's chest and neck before unleashing his load. Inside you feel the full volume of his jizz, glazing yours completely.

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