BV/Daddy/take your spanking

From Create Your Own Story

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You figure maybe it’s best to just get it over with "ok daddy I’ll take my spanking" you say in a defeated tone and lay facing down across his lap.

He lifts his hand and it comes down in swiftly making a loud smack as it strikes your butt. You let out a yelp, but it’s not that bad. He pauses though "Hmm I don’t think this is enough. That hurt my hand your jeans hurt my hand" he says shaking his hand "stand up" you do.

Without a word he starts to unbutton your jeans "daddy what are you doing?!" You say in shock

"This is supposed to hurt you not me" he says "now relax and it’ll be over" he says as he continues to undo your shorts. Once all the buttons are undone the shorts slide down to your knees. You’re wearing a pair of black silky bikini cut panties. Sling back over daddy’s lap he starts spanking you again. As you flail a bit your shorts fall to the floor.

The spankings sting "ow daddy please that hurts, I know I need to be punished but please not so hard" you plead

"I have to to hit you hard enough to feel through your panties but I suppose if you weren’t wearing them I’d go gentler." He offer

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