This is crazy, I’m going to talk to mom myself

From Create Your Own Story

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I see mom standing alone filling the tank. I walk over to her and confront her directly.

Me: “I talked to AJ, what’s going on with you two?”

Mom: “Shhhh, your sister is sleeping in the car”

Me: “Then tell me!”

Mom: “You and your father are so much alike”

Me: “Huh?l

Mom: “Tell me, how did you feel when you watched your best friend touch your mother? Did you get butterfly’s in your stomach? Did you get hard?”

Me: “I don’t know, maybe...”

Mom: “I knew it, just like your father. Try watching and touching yourself next time. I promise you’ll enjoy it much more”

Me: “Ummm, okay.”

Mom: “A bit shocked?”

Me: “Uhhh yeah”

Mom: “At the next gas station I want you to talk to me secretly like you are now. If you like what you see in the car ride there, we can talk more. If you don’t then we can talk about that too. The only reason I’m doing this is for you and your father. If you end up not liking it, it can end there. But if it doesn’t, then like I said, we have a lot to talk about”

Me: “Alright, I’m fine with that”

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