Kiss my moms legs softly

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:07, 18 December 2019 by Amberrain (Talk | contribs)
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I lay my head down facing the TV. Then I slowly press my lips down onto my mom's legs. My wet lips slobber up her thigh a bit. She doesn't react. I start kissing a bit more as I would my girlfriend (my bedroom pillow). She still doesn't react. My dick is bulging hard in my pants. I start using my tongue, my heart is about to beat out of my chest. "She must know what I am doing, right?", I think to myself. "Is she allowing her own son to lick and kiss her, would she allow me to do more, what the hell am I doing!?". I am silent and immobile as I contemplate my reality.

What do I do next:

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