TSRM-Move her panties out of the way?

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As pleasant as it feels to be this close to her pussy, you bet it would feel even better if your cock was right next to her skin. Quickly you pull yourself away from her legs and slide her soaked panties down the length of her thighs until they are limply hanging from your hand. With a negligent flip of your wrist, you toss them onto the floor with a soft splat and return your attention back to your now nude sister.

As you once again slip your dick back between Bayley's legs, her wet lips tickle and rub against your flesh as you begin to thrust between her once more. Her body shakes with your movements as you rapidly pick up speed, the slickness between her legs enabling you to do so without harm. With each push that you make, the smoldering heat radiate from her dripping pussy causes your dick to clench in ecstasy as entire waves of increasing pleasure rebound throughout your nervous system. Soon, your manhood would release its seed.

Angling your cock towards the tight entrance of her womanhood, you press your head against the outer folds. Pushing with all your might, your head manages to squeeze past her folds. Though you know you can't completely fit inside of her, you lean forward anyway and shove your head as far into her as you can manage right as you are about to climax. You could feel the walls of Bayley's insides react to your presence, spasming and sucking at your head as if in eager greeting. It was almost like her body wanted to suck you dry. And you were all too happy to oblige. The pressure of your climax builds up. It releases with an explosion, sending thick waves of intense pleasure shooting up your spine as your body prepares to fire. Then like a dam breaking, wave after wave of sticky white cum sprays wildly from your body. At first, it floods into the entrance of your youngest sister's insides. But then the pressure proves too much, and your dick pops free, still spraying wildly like a firehose. By the time your climax finished, both Bayley's nether regions and the rest of the sheets were covered in the thick white goo.

Taking long and heavy breaths, you lean back into the sheets, trying to recover from blasting your load in and on her. As you lay there, a part of you worries that your little escapade may have awakened your sister. Hell, it'd be a lucky surprise if Bayley still was asleep.

"Psst, Bayley... are you awake?" You whisper.

In fearful apprehension, you glance over at your recently deflowered sister, waiting for her to respond. Yet, all you can hear is the sound of regular small breaths coming from her mouth.

You breathe a sigh of relief. It looks as though you're still in the green... but are you finished with her? After all, Bayley is still in your bed, and you can feel your dick beginning to harden once again... as if it had the stamina of a horse. Should you even risk it?

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