FM/Jack Straight

From Create Your Own Story

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You make your decision and discuss it with Jack and Lori. They agree and the next day, you get to work. Coming up with a script was simple enough and your daughter Lucy agreed to work the camera. You sit on your bed next to your wife, your son on her other side. All 3 of you are dressed in your underwear while your daughter gets the video equipment ready.

"Are you ready, son?" you ask Jack. He turns to you and runs a hand through his red hair.

"It's gonna be weird," he says "but I think I can do it." Your wife puts a hand on his leg and gives him a little encouraging squeeze.

"You'll do fine," she says. "Once we get started, it'll be easy. You'll see."

"Maybe he needs a kiss for encouragement," you suggest jokingly. She giggles and gives him a quick peck on the lips. "Not what I meant," you correct yourself. "Like you said, it'll be easier once you've gotten started. So maybe a little warmup kiss is in order." She meets your eyes for a moment and thinks about what you said. She agrees and turns back to your son. She lightly brushes his face and you start to see just how much he looks like her. She pulls him into a kiss. After a moment, both of their mouths open and they start making out. It's a little weird to watch. Part of you feels protective of your son, part of you feels possessive of your wife. You tell yourself that this is business and you quiet your primal instincts. Your son is in your bed because you brought him here, he's kissing your wife because you told him to. All the same, you start feeling a little competitive. You look at your 18 year old daughter. You find yourself eying her round ass, her athletic waist, and her well developed tits. Then you snap out of it and focus on business.

FM/Film Scene with Jack and Lori

FM/Call the whole thing off

FM/Decide you need to prep with Lucy before your scene with Jack and Lori

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