TSRM-Jerk me off

From Create Your Own Story

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Pausing the game, you lean back in the chair and think for a moment before coming to an agreement.

"Alright here. Slip your hands into the shirt, kinda like a T-rex but all the way inside, like... you're a zombie and lost your arms." Bayley laughs as she struggles with the oversized cloth before her arms disappear.

"Brains!!!" Bayley moans like the undead leaving you to smile.

"Just like that." You nod as you lean further back into the chair which causes Bayley to sit more on your stomach that crotch.

Slipping one arm under her shirt, you take hold of one of her hands and guide it down until it lightly wraps around the girth of your dick. Reflexively Bayley's hand squeezes gently, testing sending a shock of pleasure through your back.

"What do I do?" Bayley questions giving it another squeeze, this time more playfully.

"Grab it and stroke." With her hand in yours, you show Bayley what to do, not too hard, not to loose. After a few tries, Bayley quickly builds up a lovely pattern of stroking, causing you to close your eyes in pleasure.

"Am I doing it right?" Bayley questions, unsure of what she is doing.

"That's great...." You grunt softly through gritted teeth allowing your body to relax in Bayley's grasp.

Another hand slips down to grasp your dick as Bayley beings to stroke you with both her hands, combined together they cover about 2/3s of your dick in any given moment.

"Little faster." You command, and like a good dog, Bayley does as asked, her smooth palm gliding effortlessly over your shaft as pre-cum slowly starts to coat them.

While Bayley doesn't have much talent in giving handjobs, the buildup to this point provides little room for care and only for pleasure. A deep pressure in your balls lets you know that any moment you'll blast cum everywhere, creating a massive mess.

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