Honesty - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.3)

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You: The truth is... is that I survived a train crash a couple of hours ago. I was headed for Camp Twilight, the counterpart of this camp. Although due to the crash and me wandering in one random direction, I ended up at this camp. The crash is also the reason how I gained this wound.

As far as you're concerned, you told them all the truth. As expected, it doesn't seem like Aria, Grace and Starlight can be convinced of your story, despite it being true. Cynthia on the other hand admires your story, and believes it simply because she wants to believe it. She probably finds you quite a tough lad.

Cynthia: Holy shit, if you really survived such an incident, then I'm pretty sure you're one tough man..

Grace: Well, although the story isn't really convincing, you wouldn't hurt your head only to tell us this story right? I guess you are telling the truth indeed.

After Grace's words, Cynthia became a little furious because of her doubt.

Cynthia: How dare you to even doubt his story?! How else would he have been able to find this camp, which is on a secret top-location?

Grace: That's true, I'm sorry. I didn't think of that.

You feel like you grew tighter with Cynthia just now. Compared to the other girls, you're not really sure whether they're annoyed by you now or just by Cynthia. One thing you do know however, is that there are supposed to be way more girls. You decide to ask about that.

You: Say, are you the only girls at the camp right now?

Starlight: Hahah, of course not! We split the entire group in six smaller groups, each of four. That way it is way easier to befriend one another instead of trying to buddy-buddy one enormous group.

I guess that makes sense, is what goes through your mind. You wonder when you get to meet the others, although having fun with these girls also wouldn't hurt.


Aria: Ah, that's the bell! I guess it's free time, girls?

Grace: Yeah that's right. I'm going to Flora. See you all!

Just like that, Grace departs without letting you know what you're supposed to do now. Although who would blame her? She doesn't really know what you do know and what not. Aria and Starlight also leave, leaving you and Cynthia behind.

Cynthia: Hey, you're always welcome in my dorm. I live in Dorm H. See ya!

And now Cynthia also takes off. Céline said that she would catch up with you in 10 minutes. Aren't they over already? Since you don't know where she is, you are left with plenty of options.

What will you do now?

End of Chapter 1.3

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