VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Location (2221).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 5: The Location - Part 2


The Story:

You groan as you read through the entire email. While last night had its ups and downs there were multiple ways the next meeting could go. This would have been the worst possible direction. "Good Morning slave. Roxy and I have gotten to know each other very well. Thank you for bringing her to me. I have the desire to share you with her for now, but she has pointed out that it would be unfair as I know you much better than she does. In fairness I have decided you will be going over to her place at noon. You will let her do whatever she wants or you will be severely punished. Consider her commands as carrying the same weight as mine. Her address is 5401 VRX Lane. Wear a bikini."

Feeling the pit grow in your stomach again you throw your phone across the room in frustration giving a small scream into your pillow. Fuck! All you know about Roxy is she is a major bitch. She fucking punched you! You like being dominated you've realized, but not like that. Why do you have to go see her? And alone? You just had to walk up to her at the club. You could have just found some other drunk bimbo to have sex with but nooo.

Squirming you eventually get ready putting on a tight and revealing teal bikini that you know your mistress would approve of. It literally makes you sick knowing you'll be showing it off to Roxy instead. You wrap a towel around your waist to hide how revealing it is from your parents and wait until the last minute to practically sprint out the door yelling "Going to beach bye." at your parents. You hear them say something but you don't stick around to listen. You get in your car and start to drive. You've loaded her address into your GPS earlier, Roxy is in a really bad part of town. Figures a bitch like her wouldn't have much.

With the pit growing increasingly larger in your stomach you eventually make it into her neighborhood. It is nearly a ghetto with worn down houses, corvettes parked next to sheds and trash along the street. Fuck you can't believe you are doing this. When you finally spot Roxy's house you park out front but freeze with only a minute or two before noon. You could just keep driving. You could not do this. Just tell your mistress she attacked you. Surely she'd believe you? But fuck you don't know how close they got over the last two nights. Your heart is beating fast by the time you finally step out of your car leaving your purse and towel behind. You have to do this. God you hope Cassandra told her to use restraint.

Roxy walks out of the front door as you walk up to the house with a big grin across her face. It turns you pale just seeing her again but you keep walking up to her showing off your body in the teal bikini. Your thick thighs are well shown off and when she just watches you blush and turn around showing off your ass with the thong bikini riding up it. Nice and small and thick you let her get a greedy look before walking back towards her letting your breasts bounce lightly in the tight top hiding not much more than your nipples.

"Oh I like when a nice piece of meat just walks right up to my door." Roxy says with a wolfish grin. "Follow me." Is all she says then and walks back around through a fence door into her backyard. Hesitating for just a second you manage to pull it together and follow her shaking slightly. You just know this isn't going to end well. Walking into her backyard it is filled with all sorts of discarded furniture and is quite the dump. It is quickly obvious what she wants with you back there.

You shakily walk up to a large wooden table that has been placed vertically with restraints added to it. You stand there knowing that is what she wants and without saying a word Roxy just continues to grin then quickly straps you in. Metal restraints lock around your neck pining you to the table before doing the same to your wrists and ankles spreading you eagle before finally locking you firmly around the waist. Once you are well restrained Roxy seems to get even more excited and just looks you right in the eye inches from you.

"You are all mine today my little Pixie bitch." She practically snarls as if a wolf eyeing it's prey. You can't help but continue to tremble still too scared to manage to say a single thing. "Your mistress is a nice lay. Even better, she let me do whatever the fuck I want with you. She did say to go easy on you for our first encounter." Roxy says giving a small frown. You allow yourself a small glimmer of hope at that before you feel immense pain in your gut as Roxy punches you there about as hard as she can. You gasp out of breath and strain against your restrains but to no use gasping in incredible pain. "As you can see, I don't go easy." Roxy says with a laugh watching you contort in pain what little you can in your bondage. "What, cat got your tongue bitch?" Roxy laughs then punches you again knocking the wind out of you almost making you pass out.

After blinding pain you finally gasp a few deep breaths with tears in your eyes looking up at Roxy. God you knew it. Fuck, fuck. You are trembling both in pain and in terrible fear. How did you end up in this position with this maniac?

"Still nothing to say bitch?" Roxy says with a grin grabbing your hair and making you look her in the eyes again. "That is what I thought. And you'll tell your mistress that I was nice enough to you if you know what is good for you." Roxy emphasizes with another wide grin. Pressing against you Roxy then takes your lips to your surprise and grabs you forcefully by the hair making you kiss her passionately in response. You moan in pain then gasp as her other hand reaches down to slide under your bikini bottom and starts to rub your pussy. You can't help but gasp softly in pleasure, suddenly making out and getting touched so well.

You close your eyes and try to enjoy it not knowing what else to do. Her fingers rub your pussy so well you quickly get pretty turned on while running your tongue against hers tasting her perfect lips again and again. God but she is hot when she isn't crazy. The pleasure only lasts about a minute before Roxy pulls away with that evil grin of hers again. "Time to clean up my little bitch." She says then walks over to a water hose. You look at it with wide eyes before crying out as a rather hard stream of water strikes you right in the side. Unable to avoid it you just twist and gasp as Roxy sprays you down with the high pressured stream of water running it all over your body. She trains it on your tits until they pop out of your small bikini and makes you gasp as she gets your pussy through your bikini bottom. She especially gets your face making you gasp and cough practically drowning in all the water.

Coughing as she finally lowers the stream you cry out loudly with a grunt as she walks up and punches you hard in the stomach again knocking your breath out. You start to cry as the water follows up against drowning you in your restraints and pummeling your body between Roxy's punches. She quickly adds slaps as well striking you hard against your cheeks turning them a dark red in pain along with your breasts which are quickly equally red. She then laughs and grabs the side of the table as you sob and starts it into a slow spin. Surprised that it spins you watch as your world slowly turns upside down then back up spinning around on the table as Roxy continues to spray you with the cold hard water.

Eventually you can't take it anymore as she pulls away the water just sobbing uncontrollably trembling in extreme pain and gasping for breath completely upside down. You finally find yourself begging, not knowing what else to do. "Pleeeeaassseee!" You sob uncontrollably. "No mooooorrreee. PLEASE!" You sob still, body aching and trembling.

Roxy just smirks. "Finally talking are you? Ok, fine. No more. But we are far from done bitch." She says. You then continue to sob as you watch her strip completely in front of you. While you can hardly see with water still in your eyes you do note she is extremely attractive. Her ass is full, firm, and soft while her tits are perfect and round with amazing pale skin along her red hair. She looks like a model if it wasn't for her trashy appearance and personality. "Time you did some work too." Roxy laughs then walks over to you and turns herself around pressing her back into your stomach. You grunt as she presses against you slowly sliding down to rest her ass on your chin before grabbing your hair to pull your head up to position your mouth against her asshole buried in her pale ass. "Eat it out. If you do a good job I'll let you down for now." She says with a grin.

With no choice and glad to not be getting tortured anymore you hesitantly reach your tongue out and press it against her perfect little asshole. "There we go cunt. Just like that." Roxy says grabbing your soaking wet hair harder. "Tongue that bitch." she says pressing your face into her ass harder. You make sure to keep eye contact with her as you eat her ass doing as your mistress taught you. Roxy seems to enjoy keeping contact with your tear-stained eyes loving your makeup running down your face smeared everywhere by the water with your tongue up her ass. Roxy continues to shit-talk you and slaps you multiple times as you eat her ass before starting to rub her clit and get off while you please her completely humiliated and broken beneath her.

Roxy eventually comes hard with your tongue up her ass and you can't help but find it hot, even getting wet yourself remembering her hand on your pussy. You try to focus on being attracted to her just completely broken thinking of anything else. Finally Roxy gets off of you and you gasp softly in relief. After a minute or two Roxy then releases you and you fall down to your hands and knees in front of the table soaked and broken coughing again slightly before looking up at Roxy with a soft sob. You let her attach a thick collar around your neck cutting off your breath very slightly. She attaches a leash and grabs a switch before starting to walk you forward.

Too broken to protest between still trying to suck in breath you are forced to crawl for her like a dog across her disgusting back yard. Pain quickly erupts across your ass as she brings the switch down on you from behind making you squeal loudly. "Noooo pleaseeeee!" You find yourself begging but Roxy just laughs.

"Shut it bitch. Dogs only bark. Bark you little cunt." She says switching your ass hard against making you scream.

"Woooooffff...." you weep pathetically as you continue to crawl around like a dog getting your ass switched brutally hard from behind. She walks you in circles over and over until you finally collapse in writhing pain from a particurally hard switch to your ass. You curl up defensively in a primal defense to pain and cover your burning ass with red marks across it sobbing pathetically. "Wooooooffff." you moan again.

Roxy just laughs at your misery and to your surprise walks off. Your eyes follow her for a moment between tears before you close your eyes and huddle up on the ground sobbing softly in incredible pain and humiliation. You moan in horror when she gets back unable to take anymore and scream when she grabs you by the hair and bends you over an old coffee table in the yard. She twists your arms painfully behind your back and handcuffs them as you cry out with your ass forced in the air, wet tits pressed painfully below you against the coffee table. That is when you look back and see a massive strap on around Roxy's waist looking like a large black dick with veins and everything. "Noooo!" You moan softly but you know there is no getting out of it.

Not letting you go for a moment Roxy shoves a dirty rag between your lips and tightens it hard around your head gagging you in your position tired of your begging. "Whiny bitches need fucked don't they?" Roxy says positioning the strap on against your asshole making you beg muffled by the rag desperately. Not caring about you for even a moment Roxy shoves the cock up your ass making you scream and squeal below her. Getting a nice view of your thick athletic ass and full meaty thighs pinned against the coffee table Roxy fucks you hard from behind. You have no choice but to bite on the rags and scream as she fucks your hard with hard long strokes absolutely destroying your ass. She stretches it to its limit again and again until you are just limp moaning in pain and pleasure on the coffee table with your eyes rolled into your head getting your ass pounded. She fucks your thick ass until you scream taking the thick cock over and over while she swats your meaty thighs with the switch making you wake up and scream again.

Eventually you can't take it anymore and pass out after she shoves her cock to the base up your thick ass and continually switches your thighs until the pain is unbearable and you pass out.

You wake up who knows how much later and realize you are inside her house now after a few moments of adjusting. Your whole body pulses in pain and you realize you've been washed by the hose again, clean except for the switch marks and bruises on your stomach.


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