ROTS: Slowly go South

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You could handle her breasts all day and you know she would let you without hesitation. However, her body language screams for your hands to make their way down her beautiful stomach and her long legs to her womanhood. So slowly, tenderly, you touch the underside of her breasts to eventually leave them altogether, your hands placing themselves on her fine stomach. You massage it just like you did with the rest of her body, silencing any complain about you leaving her sensitive mounds. The path of your hands leads them to her hips, which you also take care of. She gives a loud exhale when you feel them, making it clear she wants more of your touch there. You obey her body language and remains there until her breathing comes back to normal. But you don’t let it be that way for long and immediately attack her legs. You have her shivering under your ministrations and she gives you the greatest prize of all, opening her legs for you. The way she whimpers when you touch her opening makes it clear you have her entirely focused on what you are about to do to her and you start touching her pussy feeling like a conqueror. Your pace is perfect, all tension leaving her as her body belongs to you now. It is too perfect to be real, which is exactly what happens when the loud noise of an incoming transmission breaks the atmosphere.

“You should answer it.” You carefully say, your intuition knowing it was Palpatine calling, making your fingers stop. “Maybe we should stop.”

“Let him rot, he is giving me enough headaches already and enough work to justify not answering the call. Moreover, I think we were in the middle of something far more important.” She says, licking her lips during the last sentence.

You make sure the chancellor isn’t calling again before going back into the deed. It was clear she was excepting more out of you now, the atmosphere was filled with excitement. You show her you are in business as you resume your ministrations more vigorously. You are not teasing anymore, clearly playing with her pussy now. You have her wet and panting in an instant but a quick look at the pile of work she seems to have forgotten for now makes it clear you will have to outdo yourself to keep her in this lewd state. Therefore, you put all your attention working on her pussy.

“Yes, Obi! Keep going, it’s been sooooo long since I climaxed. Please just keep going!” She demands, moaning loudly in pleasure.

“I am only starting my dear. I am going to make sure that you cum over and over again. First I’ll eat you out and make you climax so violently you will forget all your work. Then I’ll tease you and make you mine. Last but not the least, I think I’ll use my privilege.” You explain, rubbing harder and harder.

She moans even louder in delight and gives you lusty eyes. You are the only man to have ever fucked her ass before and it is a privilege you jealously guarded. She can’t give you her approval to your naughty plan as you begin to alternate between fingering her and rubbing her pussy. You feel her tighten around your fingers, the orgasm she longed for is boiling inside of her. Both don’t want to delay it any further, you grab her sensitive tits to give her more stimulation, your agile fingers becoming merciless. You feel her become entirely yours before she finally cums hard on your fingers. She is writhing on her chair as you keep her on her glorious cloud, flicking her clit madly. A part of you wants to keep going until she is a begging mess but you are only getting started...

What happens next?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Revenge of the Sith

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