Luxurious bedroom (AWMAITG)

From Create Your Own Story

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You have arrived in a luxuriously decorated bedroom, bigger in size than any normal bedroom need be. Strange paintings line the walls, their contents ever changing. The carpet on the floor is a beautiful design, and so soft that you could sink into it and never come back.

In the center of the room is placed a large curtained bed, with the finest pillows and blankets, sprinkled with bizarre alien blooms. On it rests a strange woman. She has long, black hair that drapes her body and seems to move on its own, as well as green skin, and the curves, figure, and assets of a fertility goddess. Also, she is three times your size, and stark naked. You're flustered at having walked in on her.

If the Shoggoths are women, then perhaps this is Cthulhu?

Suddenly, her eyes open wide! She's awake! Rising up into the air, Cthulhu looks down at you and scowls.

"Well, well, well. It seems an uninvited guest has woken me from my millennia-long slumber ~" she says, in a feminine, seductive voice, with a slight otherworldly echo. Then she looks at you closer, and a slight smirk forms on her face. "Now that I'm awake, the time has come to wreak havoc on this world ~ But..." Cthulhu shrinks down to relatively normal human size, and her smirk becomes a wide, sharp-toothed smile. "All these years of sleep have made me... weak. I desire a new body, a host. Perhaps an avatar, if you will ~" she speaks, as she lifts your chin to look up at her.


Name: James Sex: Male
Species: Human
Location: R'lyeh
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