Ignore Joel and do it your way.

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"Help me yeah sure! If you wanted to help me you just give me the gun." Ellie responded.

"Eeh but..." Joel tried to respond before Ellie cut him of.

"So if you really want to help me, just push it inside. I have already told you I cant relax right now."

"As you command, but be prepared this might hurt quiet bad!" Joel said trying his best to make her change her mind.

Unresolved Ellie grabbed the backside of the couch hard. Joel moved his dick out of the way and said "Okay then on the count of 3".

Ellie just nodded her head slighly. When she heard Joel say one "One" she took a deep breath and relaxed her muscles. Joel must have seen this as the next thing she felt was the searing pain in her ass. Joel took this oppertunity to perice her defences when they were down as Ellie did not expect him to enter until "3". This was actually a good thing as if he would have done it at 3 she would most sertainly have tensed up in antisipation of the attack. But since she was taken by suprise there were minimal reststance. Not that Ellie apprisiated this stratagy in the moment.

"OWwww fucking asshole! Aaaah!" She screamed with a pitch voice. Ellie tried to move forward desperate to get the thing out of her butt. But this only lead Joel to move with her trying to stay inside and achived the opposite, he ended up getting deeper in her as a result. Ellie reached back with her hand and pushed Joel has hard as she could in order for him to not go any further.

"Aaah STOP!" she comanded. Joel started to move back and his dick followed but stoped when only the head of the his dock was left inside. Ellie cried in to the cusion trying to find a way to think the pain away, with little succes. Joel on the otherhand made a bilsfull moan, then proceeded to stare down at her back. The size of his dick loocked enormous in her little ass, only the sight of it was getting him close to cum.

"Fuck aoch! Why did you do that? Oh, you fucking asshole, ah!" Ellie stuttered.

"It would have been worse for you if I would have done it when you were prepared. Then you would have resisted even more." Joel said with a sofy voice. As he was really sypatizing with her. Ellie looked back at the man who have just impailed her ass to se a man she hardly recognized. The comforting smile combined with a look of worry, having replaced the stern, cold and irritated stone face she saw before, this was a very welcoming sight. Even his posture had changed noticably, before we looked so stale and torn it was almsot as a huge weight have been lifted of his shoulder. It almost made him look at least 20 years younger.

"Mhhh? Was this the effect sex had on guys? Because wow, what a transformation! He looks like a competely different person, now he actually looked like some one I can get along with. Guys maybe really do need sex to stay good." Ellie had by now totaly forgot the pain in her butt and stared deeply in to Joels eyes seeing as they had driffted down to her ass. He really seemed to admire her assets. Ellie could not help but to blush a bit at the sight. "What does he really like my butt and that much? He looks compeltly hypnotized by it?". Ellie had always been rather popular with the boys since puberty, dispte her lack of chest. She covered up for that with her attitude. So she knew how it felt to be ogle at. But this was different, the other boys looked at her like a peice of meat or a prize of some sort. Joel gaze was different it was as he was looking at a sunrise or a work of art. It made her rather warm inside, she have not been this admired and appriciated in a long time and she would make damn sure to enjoy it!


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