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From Create Your Own Story

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"Nothing really, I just cant se how that can be comforatable. Something like that would split me in half!" Ellie exclamate.

"Ha! I think you would do fine, you have nothing to worry about." Joel replies.

"What really? How do you know, have you tried it? And why would I do it?" Ellie snorts back at Joel.

"Yeah, of course I have." Joel says somewhat arrogantly.

Ellie was in shock. What, Had Joel really done this? No way! But with whoom? Bill? This did not make sense I was sertain he and Tess had a thing!

"Oooh realllly and you were on the reiciving end?? Ellie says with a funny voice, while jumping into the passanger seat.

"Haha what are you talking about ofcourse not." Joel replied with a demeaning smile.

"But how could you know what it feels like then? Did Bill tell you?" Ellie said abit confused.

"What? Bill?! No way! Why would I ever do it with him!?" Joel said shocked.

"Duh, how else would you know how it feels? Then who did you do it with" Ellie just said more curious as ever before.

Joel was about to reply, but before he did it he made a huge sigh. "Tess." He said stale.

Ellies first thought was Omg why would Tess take it up the butt, she could just do it ordinary? Second thought was, Yes I knew it they were together. Then it struck her like lightning burning her insides making her head fall down staring in to the abyss. Were was the keyword Tess is not around anymore, because of me. She looked up again at Joel who was focused on driving, he looked strained, exhaused and tired. He was doing all of this for her, because Tess asked him to. Yet I did not do anything for him. Feeling extreme guilt over what happned Ellie wanted to do something for Joel.

"And you liked it?" Ellie said with a pitiful voice.

Joel kept staring on the road without moving a muscle and said "I loved it."

Damn this was enought Ellie could not take the guilt anymore. She have made up her mind she would offer him to take her place until the journey was over.

Ellie continued with "And you think I could handle it?"

This made Joel turn his head to look at her. She was staring right into his eyes with her blistering green emerald ones. Joel could not help but to think of her as beautiful at that moment.

"Yeah ofcourse, I know these things can be scary but it is really nothing strange about it." Joel said trying to confort her as she was obviously worried about it.

"Alright Joel, since you love it so much, I could do it with you." Ellie said with almost a piping voice.


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